What is the DSREI Forum?
The DSREI Forum is an email list, a place to discuss academic research, education, and clinical cases focused on diverse sexualities.
Why join the DSREI Forum?
You are interested in or want to participate in professional discussions concerning Diverse Sexualities.
Who may join?
- Professionals, people who practice or identify with a form of sexuality, gender, and relationships not accepted by the dominant culture.
- At this time we are asking members of the press and lay public NOT to join. This decision will be reviewed periodically, but until we work out the kinks (pun intended) this seems like the best plan
New Members
Please read the rules before joining and then complete the form. We will be in touch soon.
Existing Members
DSREI uses Google Groups to administer the forum. If you are a DSREI Forum Member and are already signed into Google then you will see the DSREI forum topics below. If you are not signed into Google then you may login to the forum by selecting "Sign In to View this Group". You can also participate by responding to an email notification from the forum.
Forum Information and Participation Rules