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Newsletter: Fourth Quarter 2019

This may be a first, but the newsletter is on time!  Well actually, I was trying to get it out for Giving Tuesday, but obviously failed at that.  Just a reminder that December is Diverse Sexuality Month.  All donations to DSREI will be listed in both the 2019 and 2020 list of contributors.  A Christmas gift donation honoring someone else (or you) is the perfect way to support DSREI and give someone a unique gift (especially for those for whom it is impossible to buy anything).

This quarter DSREI continued with a lot on the projects we discussed last time.

American College of Sexual Medicine and Health
We are moving forward on ACSMH (offering sexual medicine education and training courses for healthcare professionals).  Stay tuned for further news.  Landi Cranstoun, MD (our Executive Director) and I are still working on a paper to be submitted to an academic journal concerning medical boards who ask about a history of paraphilias.

Kinky Guidelines Group
The Kinky Guidelines group has finished a final draft of the guidelines, check it out. We are looking for feedback.  We will be writing an academic paper to give these guidelines even more exposure.

Turkey Conference
DSREI sponsored the 2nd International Anatolian Congress on Neuroscience and Sexual Health, in Istanbul.  It was a great experience and I learned a lot.  DSREI is working towards an agreement to help train Sex Therapists, Sex Counselors, Sex Educators, and Sex Researchers in Turkey.  We will be working in collaboration with other organizations in Turkey and Europe.  Stayed tuned.

DSREI is run by volunteers and we need more volunteers.  If you are interested in helping, please let us know.  DSREI can only grow if everyone helps.  We realize that life can intervene, but think about helping.

Think About Donating
We know there are many good causes out there, but no donation is too small.

Happy Holidays!!